If you are planning to enter or exit Brunei by driving your own vehicle, you can now apply for the Brunei Vehicle Pass (VES) online rather than waiting in the Que and filling up the form manually.
This VES Online system will facilitate and expedite the application and approval process for vehicles exiting or entering the border checkpoints by applying through website which can be accessed at anytime, anywhere and any device. A QR code system has been introduced by the department where the VES Pass will be scanned to cut the waiting time due to manual inputting of data in the system.
Members of the public is informed that they must utilize the system and to obtain their VES Pass before entering/exiting border checkpoints by registering their vehicles electronically prior to the date of entry/departure and the vehicle owner may either save their VES Pass in Smart phone or Tablet or have it printed to be scanned at the border checkpoints. The VES Pass is valid for 3 months from the date of registration. Source: Press Release Royal Customs And Excise Department, Ministry Of Finance, Negara Brunei Darussalam.